More Ways to Use Lotsa Helping Hands
We first created Lotsa Helping Hands to support caregivers who are caring for loved ones during a medical crisis or when caring for an elderly family member. Today, Lotsa Helping Hands can be used in many new ways to organize helpers.
Lotsa Helping Hands is a great way to support military and veteran’s families, organize helpers for parents, coordinate volunteers for your school or religious group, and participate in general volunteer activities in your neighborhood.
Learn more about ways to use Lotsa Helping Hands:
Help Our Nation's Military & Veterans FamiliesDo you know a military family that is experiencing a deployment or a wounded warrior who has arrived home? Create a Community web site to coordinate daily activities and events among families on a military base, or help a caregiver of a veteran manage daily tasks such as meals delivery or visits during recovery. Create a Community Here |
Support New Parents and Parents of Children with Special NeedsChances are that you or someone you know has cared for a child, and therefore you understand the joys, and sometimes the challenges, of this responsibility. Parents often experience exhaustion in caring for newborns, coping with the ever-growing list of do’s and don’ts as well as the sleep schedule that never quite seems to stay consistent. And asking for an extra set of hands is no easy feat. As these challenges and hesitations are true for all new parents, they are even more significant for mothers with multiples and parents caring for children with special needs. Yet what better way to express intimacy than asking for, or offering, loving assistance to family and friends? Create a Community Here |
Organize Volunteers in the ClassroomWe have witnessed countless volunteers, parents and teachers use Lotsa Helping Hands to create a classroom or school-wide community web site. Lotsa Helping Hands is great for posting photos and messages and sharing resources with other school volunteers. And the intuitive group calendar is invaluable for scheduling volunteer tasks and school or classroom events, with automatic email reminders about commitments made and classroom needs. Create a Community Here |
Coordinate Existing Efforts for Your Religious GroupFor centuries, a hallmark of religious organizations has been their tireless effort to provide help to members of their local communities. Now, there is an easy way for these organizations to coordinate this assistance. Most groups publish the web site address in their service bulletin, encouraging member volunteers to sign up for posted needs, as well as to send well wishes to families, view the community calendar, or simply discover the resources and links to community-specific websites and other nonprofit organizations. Create a Community Here |
Rally Volunteer Efforts in Your NeighborhoodIncreasingly in our culture, people in local towns and neighborhoods are banning together to help one another. Many use Lotsa Helping Hands to organize help in the local community to respond to an unexpected crisis or organize activities in their neighborhood. Create a Community Here |
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